Lesson 1. Greetings

¡Hola!                            Hi! Hello!
Buenos días.                 Good day. Good morning.
Buenas tardes.              Good afternoon.
Buenas noches.             Good night.

¿Cómo estás?                  How are you?
¿Cómo se llama?            What’s your name? 
¿Qué tal?                         What’s up?
¿Qué pasa?                      What’s happening?
¿De dónde eres?              Where are you from ?
¿Habla usted español?    Do you speak Spanish?
Me llamo...                    My name is...    
Yo soy de...                     I’m from...
No Hablo Inglés...         I don't speak English.
Mucho gusto.                 Nice to meet you.
El gusto es mío.             The pleasure is mine.
Parting words
Adiós.  Chao.              Good-bye.
Hasta luego.                See you later.
Hasta mañana.            See you tomorrow. 

Example of Conversación:

Speaker One:     Hi, Good Morning

Speaker Two:     Good Morning, How are you doing?

Speaker One:     I am very well, Thanks. What about you?

Speaker Two:     Not too bad. Just enjoying this lovely day

Speaker One:     What's your name?

Speaker Two:     My name is Paul

Speaker One:     Nice to meet you Paul, My name is Laura

Speaker Two:     It's a pleasure to meet you Laura

Speaker One:     You're right, definitely it's a lovely day

Speaker Two:     Where are you From, Laura?

Speaker One:     I am from Colombia, but I am living in London since 2010

Speaker Two:     That's great Laura, Your English it's very good

Speaker One:     Ohh Thanks, I am studying hard to improve my English
                             What about you Paul, Where are you from?

Speaker Two:     I am from Manchester and I am living in London since last year

Speaker One:     Do you Speak Spanish?

Speaker Two:     Ooh!!  Not at all.  I speak some French and Italian but not Spanish.

Speaker One:     Paul,  I have to go back to work. It was a pleasure to meet you

Speaker Two:     This is my phone number (077 841 92 863) Can I get your number?

Speaker One:     Sure, my phone number is 077 643 98 541 

Speaker Two:     Bye bye, Have a great day

Speaker One:     You too.  See you then


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