Lesson 3. Talking about likes and dislikes

Expressing likes and dislikes

To talk about your likes and dislikes, you can use these expressions.

Expressing likes:

  • I like…
  • I love...
  • I adore…
  • I am crazy about...
  • I am interested in…
  • I enjoy…

Expressing dislikes:

  • I don’t like…
  • I dislike...
  • I hate…
  • I detest...
Examples of likes and dislikes :
  • I like reading books
  • I love shopping clothes
  • I adore you
  • I am crazy about you
  • I am interested in action movies
  • I enjoy running around the park.


  • I don’t like cooking
  • I dislike homeworks
  • I hate music of Justin Bieber
  • I can’t stand this noise anymore
  • I detest him
Things to remember about likes and dislikes:
1. When these expressions are followed by a verb, the latter is put in the -ing form.
"I like listening to music."
"I hate wearing sunglasses."
I like
I detest
I don't mind
Examples :

I like playing tennis

He likes eating chocolate

Maria loves reading comics

They enjoy dancing salsa and bachata

Note that" very much" or " a lot" always come after the things you like.

Exercise 1:
 "I like basketball very much/a lotNOTI like very much/a lot basketball."

Exercice 2. Write the missing words in the sentences. Use the verbs on the right.

a. I love ____watching______ TV.                              watch

b. I don’t like ____________________ the car.           wash

c. I like ____________________ computer games.     play

d. I don’t mind ____________________ books.          read

e. I hate ____________________ in a plane.               fly

Exercise 3. Find the mistake, underline it and write it correctly..

a. I love play football.                                        ____playing_____

b. I no like study Maths.                                     _______________ 

c. I really liking use the computer.                    _______________

d. He doesn’t mind to do his homework.           _______________

e. They like watch films.                                   _______________

Like - preposition / conjunction

Like may be used as preposition meaning similar to. It is used to compare things.
  • He has been working like a dog.
  • I am like my mother. I hate waiting.
  • He looks like his father.

Es importante para nosotros conocer sus opiniones y sugerencias.

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2 comentarios:

  1. Muy buena su clase profesor... Estoy aprendiendo mucho gracias a usted.

  2. Muchas gracias, todos los profesores damos lo mejor de cada uno.


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